Kassondra Herbst

Kassondra Herbst 16L


Kassondra Herbst

Grad Year

Player Details

Height - 5'5"

Standing Vertical Jump -

Arm Swing Velocity -

Height of Attack -

Two Handed Block Touch -

Pro Agility & Acceleration -

Player Contact Info -

I’ve been playing volleyball for about 2 years now, and although I got a late start compared to some of my peers, I have really fallen in love with the sport. As far as academics go, my dream is to be a chiropractor and I would love to major in Biomedical Science with a minor in Neuroscience. I’m quite new to the college recruiting process, so I don’t currently have any videos, but I promise I am working on getting some as soon as possible.

NCSD Profile

Committed to

Burnt Hills Ballston Lake
